Our Friends & Supporters

As a voluntary organisation, Puffins is extremely lucky and grateful to have the support from the following sponsors and friends, without whom the club would not be able to help local people with physical and learning disabilities:

Rotary Clubs

Westminster International, Westminster WestPaddington and Marylebone Rotary Clubs have provided sponsorship to Puffins for many years and work tirelessly in their fundraising activities for the club’s benefit. Thanks to them we are able to provide refreshments after each session, fund our annual gala and subsidise club outings.

Westminster Council and the Queen Mother Sports Centre

Provide use of the swimming pools and friendly and professional lifeguards as well as transport for some local members.


Puffins is affiliated to the Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy and we are part of a network of approximately 25 clubs in our area Halliwick ASTRA (Regional Association) 1, covering Greater London, North of the Thames.

Our founders

Barry and Paola Meekins started the club over 30 years ago. We are very grateful for their vision, wealth of experience, enthusiasm and tenacity to make it happen. Read our club’s history here

Other swimming clubs

Pimlico Puffins is lucky to be friends with other clubs across London, this includes the Halliwick Penguins, Venturers and Barking Beavers. We compete in friendly swimming events and rely on their expertise and support.

If you would like to support our swimming club, please visit our Donations page